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Chapter 2
As I turn in his arms, Dalton pulls me close. He draws in my scent and kisses my neck. I hear Bebe muttering and mumbling. Alpha was still shaking. He was still so mad. I pulled away from Dalton to try and calm Alpha down. Laying my hand on Alpha arm, he seems to be calming but the growl from behind me made him tense back up.
Looking around I notice that it was Dalton who was growling. I go to scold him for growling at his father when the foul smell of Bebe overpowered me. I look towards the window that Bebe had flown out of moments before. A few members of the pack were trying to get her back to the pack hospital. She screams in pain as they jostle her thru the window again.
Dalton did not seem to be happy to have her in his presence. He growled a little louder making others in the room cower and drop their heads. He starts to advance towards the limp form of Bebe. Just as he gets to her side, she opens her eyes and tries to smile. She signals for him to lean closer.
“I told him he would regret treating me this way when you got here,” She whispers to him. Dalton's eyes shift from the pretty greenish blue to a frightening fresh poured pewter color as he looked down at her. He seemed to grow taller as he leans in to whisper in her ear. “Be lucky he got to you first or otherwise he wouldn't be carrying you to the hospital but to the morgue,” he growls at her.
I quickly run up to his side. I wrap my arms around his waist and pull him back to me. Dalton stood up and looked at the rest of the pack.
Dalton cleared his throat getting the attention of all the pack members. “I soon-to-be-Alpha Dalton Princeton declare that you Bebe Dempsht shall no longer be allowed to interact or be allowed on pack lands. You will not talk to or about any members of this pack. You shall be branded as a traitor to this pack and leave as soon as you are capable. As soon as your wolf can limp you WILL leave the pack lands never to return.”
I start crying feeling like her exile was my entire fault. I start over to where she is at only to have the male wolves all start growling and snarling. I step back some and most of the wolves calm down some but not all.
Just as the guys carrying Bebe start towards the door it is thrown open and a freezing wind blows thru the room. In the doorway stood a fairly small wolf, maybe a young teen wolf. The wolf is coated in shadows even though it was bright with the sun shining outside.
The wolf lifted its head and the power that rolled off it. I fell my knees as the wave of power hit me. The only ones left standing were Alpha Craig and Alpha-to-be-Dalton. Although Craig didn’t look like he was going to be standing long. His eyes were wide and dilated. He was breathing hard and shaking. He seemed to be drowning in that moment.
The wolf in the door way looked around before walking towards Bebe. The wolf leans down to whisper something in Bebe's ear before Bebe screams out in pain. The hood the wolf falls back as it stands up straight revealing a beautiful wolf. The wolf’s hair was a gorgeous chocolate brown color.
The wolf looks around and then looks toward Alpha Craig. Their eyes meld into one gaze. Everyone's eyes drop to give them a moment of privacy. As the couple gaze deeply and longingly into each eyes Bebe screams loudly again. I look over to where Bebe is now laying on the ground as she was dropped roughly when we all hit our knees. Her back is arched and she is thrashing around as if someone is trying to rip something from her gut.
I have to look away as it makes me hurt in sympathy. Dalton walks over to me as I struggle to get up. I must make things right. No one deserves the pain Bebe is going thru. Grabbing Dalton's hands, I allow him to pull me up. I tug on his hand to get him to help me walk to where Bebe is thrashing in pain.
When I get close the new wolf in the room utters one word
I am frozen in place. I cannot move. No matter how hard I try, I cannot move a muscle.
“My name Mary Margret and I am a Master Luna. This she wolf is being punished for her crimes against the were nation. You will not offer pity, healing, sympathy, or support. She has been an important role in the destruction of 2 packs and she has been plotting with rouges to bring down Alpha-of-Alpha's Cliff.”
As soon as Mary said this Alpha Craig flies across the room trying to get to Bebe. “You Bi**h. I took you in and made sure you had somewhere to go when you family was killed.” alpha roared.
Mary smirked before saying” So that’s how she was able to disappear as we were closing in. We were going to pick her up when she disappeared. We couldn't figure out where she had gone or how. She had thought that she had killed all the alpha line but she didn't know the Alpha female-to-be was a Luna trained wolf. She managed to keep herself alive until we could get to her. She was able to pass on important info so we could protect other packs. She also passed on how the wolf was going after the head Alpha family. We have been searching high and low to find her before she brought another pack down.
Alpha ran at her again but he kept hitting something and bouncing back. His eyes were getting more pewter toned with each try.
Mary walked over, placed her hand on his arm, and pulled him away. “There is no point in trying to get to her. She has been sentenced to the worst possible sentence. Her wolf has been sentenced to death by Luna law. While her body may still be alive, her wolf will no longer be with her. Once her wolf is dead she will be locked into a silver cage where is will await trial her the murder of her parents and her true mate. The punishment of losing her wolf is for plotting to over throw the High Alpha and his family.”
I looked around and watch the others in the room. Hesitantly I looked around before quietly asked the question we were all voicing in our pack link.” What is a Master Luna? I thought Luna was another name for an Alpha Female?” I looked back down and lean back into Dalton fearing what might come next. I am surprised when I feel a light hand lift my hand to stare into her vivid lavender eyes.
“My child never fear me. You have the heart of a true Luna. You were not brought to the training center because it was foreseen that you would have to be here to help your alpha is his times of trials. We knew that he would have a nasty battle with his wolf while looking for his true mate. Since you were destined to be the next alpha female well left you here to tend your pack. As for what are Lunas? Luna's are special trained and selected warriors. We come to the aid of packs in need. We attempt to keep the peace and ensure the safety of our Alphas. Several of us are destined to become alpha females but most of us do not find our mates till later in life so that we can be of better service to the Goddess Luna. In some ways, you could say that we are like monks in the human world. We dedicate our lives to the betterment and protection of our Goddess's children”
With her explanation, several of the wolves in the room started to shake in true fear. Mary looked to around before focusing her gaze on Alpha. Alpha still looked like someone has socked him in the gut. Dalton looked to his dad and rushed to his side. They seemed to have a quick mind link conversation before Dalton stated” I want everyone to leave the room and go home to your families. We have had a horrid traitor in our midst and it is time for us to be thankful for what we have. Now go. All unmated warriors please divide up and take patrols and I want a guard at all doors till further notice. “
When Dalton was finished, the room cleared quickly. We could hear my dad issuing orders as to who would be on patrol and who would be guarding the doors. Dalton put a hand to his dad's arm and starts leading him to the alpha office. It was one of very few rooms in the house that was completely sound proofed from the rest of the house. Mary and I look to each other and shrug our shoulders not sure what to do.
e suddenly goes still. Mary walks over to her, examines her eyes, and checks her temperature.
“She seems to be cooling and her eyes are fully dilated. Her wolf seems to be drawing her with it into the painful death.,” she says. “I must call a high master to see what we should do. In the meantime do you have a cell she can be locked in or better yet a medical cell where she can be closely monitored?”
As soon as she asked, I got the pack doctor and his assistance on their way to get Bebe and lock her up. As the doctor and helpers loaded her on the gurney Dalton came back out and asked Mary and I to join him and his dad in the office.
As we go thru the door, Dalton wraps his arm around my waist and closes the door behind us. Alpha stands staring deeply into Mary’s eyes. After several moments, I turn to pull Dalton out of the room to give them privacy. This had been nearly 20 years in coming and I want them to have the best. As I tug on Daltons arm, he shakes his head but refuses to move. I hear him in my head.
“Dad asks that we stay to keep him from doing something stupid.” He tells me. To keep from feeling like a pervert watching Alpha I put my arms around his neck.
It just occurs to me that I have my mate. He is here and in my arms. With as crazy as this last 2 hours have been I have not really taken the time to bond to my mate. I stare lovingly in to his eyes and watch as a rainbow of colors swirl around his in his eyes. Mine he is all mine. What did I do to deserve such a perfect mate? I look away from his eyes to memorize his face but his lips trap my eyes. They were kissing lips. Not so full as to be fat and marshmallowy but just plump enough to make it fun to kiss them.
As if reading my mind his head starts to lower to mine. Just as our lips touch and the sparks shoot from my head to my toes and a glorious warmth spreads thru my body I hear alpha and Mary start to talk. Though the pleasure of this first kiss was too intense for me to make out what was being said. I feel his hands tracing my body and everywhere his fingers glide heats up even thru my clothes. He finally rest one hand in my hair to hold my face to his and the other stops on my ass. With a little pressure to my ass, he lifts me up and I wrap my legs around his waist.
He tries to deepen the kiss but I break away for a breath. My lungs were burning from the lack of oxygen. Looking over Dalton's shoulder, I see his dad in Mary in a tight lip lock. Dalton trails kisses up the side of my neck lighting a deep fire.
I whisper in his ear to take me up to his dad's old room so we can talk and get to know each other while giving alpha some privacy.
Dalton must have liked the idea of getting me alone because he starts walking to the door. “Dad we are going to go get better acquainted we will see you 2 in the morning.” alpha returns.
”Remember son that she is a highly respected she wolf in this pack and many look up to her for her high morals. Do not make her seem to be less than what she is by rushing her to mate.”
Dalton looks at me lovingly and then turns to his dad
” We are not going to mate tonight but I need some alone time with her to get to know her better and it looks like you need to get to know my step mom better yourself.”
At his words Mary turned a deep crimson color and hid her face in alpha's side
.” Watch what you say,” Alpha roared at Mary's discomfort that upset his wolf.
Dalton quickly apologized and carried me to his room. Once there we sunk into the plush couch with me sitting on him, as I never unwrapped my legs from his waist. We start kissing and making out again because it just felt right. I felt Dayton slowly working my skirt up my legs so that I was pressed tightly to him with nothing but my panties and his jeans separating us. I squirm around in his lap burning, as I had never felt this deep ache before. I feel his hands on my ass pulling on my panties before I feel them ripping away from my body. I panic at this point.
“You promised your father we wouldn't do anything.” I cry out in a desire slurred voice as his fingers roamed over my bare ass and legs. One hand was traveling towards the front near where all my heat seemed to be centering.
“ No sweetheart I promised him I wouldn't mate you tonight I did not promise him I would not give you pleasure tonight.” he whispered as his mouth found the g spot on my neck. He start to suck and gently bite my g spot as his hand zeroed in on the spot all my discomfort was coming from. His fingers gently rubbed circles all around my core making me feel light headed and burning. I felt as if my whole body was on fire with the flames he was igniting. When his fingers brushed over my core, I could do nothing but beg for more. He gentle caressed and teased me until I felt like I was going to explode. Just as I felt as I if I had reached the top of a mountain and was pushed over the top into a land of extreme pleasure I felt him kiss my g spot on my neck one last time before I felt his canine's sink deeply into my neck marking me as his.
So this is the end of Alpha Smack Down. I hope that you enjoyed this enough to keep an eye out to the next book in my were animal kingdom. “ On The Run” will have favored characters from Alpha Smack Down with a whole bunch of new ones. for up to date info please check out my
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